Showing posts with label ALLAH IS ALL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ALLAH IS ALL. Show all posts

Cure Depression And Anxiety

 After praising the king of all Kings, the master of the Day of Judgment, the one, the only Allah Azza Wa Jal Allah the mighty and sending salutations and the EMAP of the Prophet, leader of the Prophet, the messenger Muhammad Sallallaahu Alahi  Salam.... almost lameness many people go through depression anxiety and they live a life full of depression and there is only one course to this and that is abandoning and leaving or delaying the five daily prayers.

How is a person attain happiness satisfaction in a 
life where they do not bow down to Allah the Almighty. he saw along Holly Wasalam said the healed is not pray he'll be raised with Quran commands Firown' on the plane of Resurrection could you just imagine on the plane of Resurrection on.

The day of judgment when the Sun is 
above your head, when the stars shoot out, the skies like fireballs, when the first heaven breaks, the second heaven break, the third heaven breaks, the fourth even breaks the fifth heaven break to six heaven break, the seventh heaven break. O
ne by one angel in the numbers in 
their roles, they descend they, insert on the plane of Resurrection and you open your eyes and you look around you. You see some people are sweating up to the ankles, some will be sweating up to the knees, some will be sweating up to their waist,some be sweating up to the collarbone and some will be drowned in their own sweat. A day you see in front of you Shaitaan on the left-hand man on the right we're all behind you Karan why because the messenger Muhammed Sallallahu Alahi Salim said and he gave a firm warning that he who does not pray will be raised with the firm owner. He who does not
he'll be raised with Karan, he who does not pray will be raised with a man. The only way you will attain happiness in life and success is if you pray your five daily prayers. What have you got to lose Allah gave you everything they gave me the ICC, gave you the ability to work, to work, to sleep, to speak, and you can't retain Allah by praying your five daily prayers. I Got News for you Allah is not in need of you, you are in need of a lot. If you want attain happiness in life then you will pray your five daily prayers. One life I swear by Allah pray your five daily prayers for 40 days, I swear by Allah that you will attain happiness and this is experienced by many up around the country happiness. Their life changed once they returned to Allah and they prayed the five daily prayers that they were losing in life they found in salat bowing down to the king of all kings the master of the day of judgment Allah Azza WA JAL Allah the mighty.






Even the way Allah gave us the gift of his name is to tell us you are dealing with someone like no one else. Allah is like nobody else Allah will help you like nobody else. Allah loves you like nobody else. Allah cares for you like nobody else. Allah remembers you like nobody else. Allah is always with you like nobody else. Everyone else will leave you. Everything else will leave you. Allah will never leave you that's what he reminds you and me of that's when you say bismillah Rahim is actually asking Allah's help. But human beings need different kinds of help. When you're sick you need someone to cure you. When you're tired you need someone to help you. You know when you're confused you need someone to clarify for you. When you don't know you need someone to educate you. When you're lost you need someone to guide you. It's not one kind of help if you're hungry you don't need to be educated. Right now you need to be fed it's a different kind of help. So when you ask Allah for help then on a different occasion you need a different kind of help and of course, every one of Allah's names provides a different kind of help.

When Allah calls himself Al-Hadi the one 
who guides then of course the help Allah will give us that Allah guides us. When Allah calls himself the provider the one who provides over and over again then obviously Allah is in that name, he's going to be giving me provision. When he calls himself the one who has extended might be extended power then I need strength. I'm weak and I'm going to call on Allah's power to grant me some of that power myself so I can accomplish what I need to do so. Every one of Allah's names gives us a different kind of help.
I need Allah you know to help me plan my day.

 need Allah to provide me risk. I need Allah to provide me peace in my family and security. If you do anything without bismillah it's incomplete. This was a part of it when we say bismillah. The way Allah shows mercy, the way Allah guides the way, Allah provides the way, Allah plans the way, Allah does anything. What he does is unique to him it cannot be compared.
 The second thing is that everything Allah does whether you understand it and I understand it or not has beauty in it.  By saying bismillah we are expressing our love for Allah and acknowledging that if we truly have a love for Allah. All of our problems are going to feel like nothing. It means that Allah's love and mercy and care are extreme. For our life in Janna, we also obey our beloved prophet MUHAMMAD PBUH. He says whoever obeyed me whoever came to me because he is the merciful messenger of Allah. Whoever came to me in obedience wanted to go to Jannah whoever forgot about me disregarded me he didn't want to go. You and I can remove ourselves from Allah's mercy. Allah will not close the door we close the door. But when you open it Allah doesn't say why did you close it. Allah doesn't do that the door remains open. 

The doors of Allah's mercy and his care and his love remain open. When you and I turn to Allah, He will reply to us because ALLAH SPEAKS WHEN YOU CALL HIM. 


  Stress is a killer I wonder what brings the most stress into your life.  

Is it your family? maybe some friend. maybe it's your job or maybe it's your health.  
Maybe it's the direction of our nation but when you look around there's just stress everywhere.  

This is a time in a period of great stress and people are feeling it and they're bearing it 
and they're going to all kinds of means to eliminate it in their life, yet it doesn't work.There are people for example who have gone to all kinds of drugs prescription drugs and street drugs. Alcohol of all kinds anything to get rid of this feeling. It's bearing us down and grinding us down and we're looking for an escape and it's interesting that none of the things we've come up with has any escapement to it. 
There are so many things in the world and in our own lives 
that we could worry about that if we don't decide to and get help from ALLAH in learning how to not let those worried thoughts in our hearts. That's all we're going to have a day in and day out is some kind of worry. Don't let your hearts be troubled. 
Distressed and agitated you believe in and adhere to and trust and rely on ALLAH now. 
Believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on. So one of the things that I've had to face in my life and it's a little bit unpleasant for us but the truth is believing ALLAH brings us into rest and so if I say that I'm believing ALLAH if  I say that I'm trusting ALLAH but I'm worried all the time then the truth is I may be trying to trust ALLAH I may want to trust ALLAH but it's obvious that I'm struggling with it ALLAH has given us free will and it's up to us.

If we decide to worry or to trust ALLAH and I do believe the longer that you're in a relationship with ALLAH the 
more experience you have with ALLAH the more you see him bring deliverance into your life the easier. It becomes to not worry it is more challenging for a young believer, especially one who has many problems because you're just learning about  ALLAH but when you know ALLAH.  
There's a difference between learning about ALLAH and knowing ALLAH.    
Important to me than anything else to know him and to know that no matter what's going on in my life. 
He will deliver me from it and you can you're gonna put your trust in something.  
If it's not ALLAH then it's gonna be yourself, it's gonna be your friends, the government, the world,  
your bank account, your employer, and all those things are shaky and very unstable but ALLAH is not.  
 You know how many things have you worried about in the past.  
Now you look back and ALLAH took care of it and all of your worry and all your stress 
certainly didn't do any good but it did do harm because all it does is hurt you.
ALLAH will sustain you he will never allow the consistently righteous to be moved made to slip,  to fall, or to fail. ALLAH will never allow  those that are his children to fail
Worry steals our joy.
Worry is the opposite of trusting ALLAH.
Your time is too important to waste it worrying as soon as trouble comes the first thing you ought to 
be thinking is what does the word have to say?  As soon as the problem comes what does the word have to say? and when you get in the word and you respond that way stress won't be able to dominate your life because when trouble shows up you know how to respond to trouble before it comes.  
It's amazing to me Lord that every problem that we deal with the answer is in your word every single 
one of them and obviously if we live the way you lead us to live we're not going to have stress.  
You see I went for a long period of time trying to change everything around me 
and that may be where you're at right now well if you'll stop doing that I'll hit peace.  And if you stop doing that I'll have peace and if you start doing this then I'll have peace.  
If I had more money I'd have peace and if  I had a better boss I'd have peace it was 
always something out here that was the reason why I didn't have peace so what are our options.  
We only have two as far as I can figure continue to be stressed out until we fall apart.
That's an option and sadly I know that some of you will take that option or you could learn to not be affected by it by not letting it get into you.
what's around us doesn't have to get in us 
amen. Peace has been defined as a quiet heart and do I love that quiet heart. Prophets were surrounded by stressful situations, rejected by family and friends.  
Some of you going through that right now you're letting it stress you out 
his disciples needed a lot of correction he was mentoring them for the job of carrying the gospel to the world and only had a very short time to do it.  
Huge crowds followed him everywhere and they all wanted miracles healings and help of some kind.

your parents call you up and they want something then your mother-in-law wants something and it's just everybody wants a piece of me and I don't have any pieces left how many ever feel like that.     ALLAH always wants us to come to him in prayer and he's always ready to help us and he's always ready to do what we cannot do he is a miracle-working God.  
All kinds of things can be going on around us but if we stay in communication with ALLAH 
and we continue to lean on Him and rely on him we can still have his peace. That doesn't mean we have to love the circumstance that doesn't even mean that it doesn't hurt but it does mean that we can have this special kind of peace.  
The peace that the world offers is a peace  that only works when circumstances suit us 
but ALLAH has given us something that's far superior to that he's giving us peace that really the best way I know how to say is a piece that just doesn't make any sense.  
It's an unreasonable piece but you honestly can have peace in the most difficult circumstance.  
If you really have a depth of relationship with ALLAH, if you're going to live in peace.
It's not going to happen by accident every day we have opportunities to get upset 
to be offended, to live worried life happens.  People get on your nerves unexpected bills, a family member's in the hospital. iI you wait for all your circumstances to calm down then you're going to have peace then you're going to stop worrying.   
ALLAH never promised that he would keep us from difficulties he never said that we 
wouldn't have storms but he did say he would give us peace in the midst of the storms.  
ALLAH calls it a peace that passes understanding that means despite what's going on around you.  
You still have peace the scripture says to cast your cares on the Lord. You have to learn to turn it over to ALLAH. You weren't designed to carry that heavy load it will frustrate you.   
When you say ALLAH I trust you, my life is in your handsI'm not going to worry, I'm not going to live stressed, you have this all figured out so I'm going to be still and know that you are ALLAH   
Letting worry rob you of your joy, rob you of your peace put your foot down and say that's it. This is a new day no more worrying for me  I'm gonna guard my mind I'm gonna stay by the still waters. I'm going to live from a place of peace remember when you trust ALLAH give you a reply because ALLAH IS ALL.